Saturday, January 12, 2013

Love Letter To Shore Lane

All NEW paintings are available here:

Patti Friday, Photojourno, reporting from inside 'The Art Dept.' at the international 'Embassy of Ideas'.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wasaga Beach EAT Street

We need a 'food truck alley' or a 'food truck festival/weekend' - we NEED to open the doors to more creative economic developments - public art - buskers - EAT Street! - Food Board Walk - whatever you want to call it - how about 'sunset events' every week?

It is proven that food trucks increase traffic and revenue for existing restaurants! So have no fear. In fact, many owners enter into the food truck market which helps them market their existing locations!

Our council must look to other successful communities. We can't stay in the stone age.

Let's get Wasaga Beach EAT Street started!

Patti Friday, Photojourno, reporting from inside 'The Art Dept.' at the international 'Embassy of Ideas'.